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- Sharon Coady
Last One to Know Page 4
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Page 4
He chewed on his bottom lip for a few seconds before saying, “There were a lot of things about me you never noticed.”
Her eyes were drawn to his mouth. Had he always done that? She glanced up. A smile that showed his dimples spread over his face. “Why didn’t I notice all this before?”
“Because I was always just Johnny to you. The pal you hung out with, no different from Heather or Hope. You never really looked at me, Leo.” Sadness clouded his features. “Come on, are you going to show me this awesome house or what?”
“Sure.” She forced a smile. “Come on in.” She felt like crap hearing him say those things. Was she really like that? Is this what Heather was talking about when she’d said, “You have to start paying attention to what is around you?” She did like him—a lot. I guess I hid it better than I thought.
Once she showed him around, he agreed to come stay with them. “How could I pass up staying here with my two friends? This place is great. And the loft beats the crap out of the place I’m staying now.”
Disappointment stabbed her heart. Friends, he called us friends again. “Oh, Hope and Alastair are staying at the other end of town, too. Have you seen them?” she asked quickly, trying to change the subject.
“No, I haven’t.”
“They’ll be over for a cookout tomorrow. Did you know they’re engaged?” She leaned against the kitchen counter.
“What! When did that happen?” He reached over and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
She felt her pulse quicken at his touch. She wondered why she had never seen him like this. Because I was too busy keeping him at arm’s length and putting my defenses up. “Just yesterday. Wait until you see her ring. Wait until you see Alastair, he has dreads.”
“No! What did his father say about it?” He shook his head, his deep laughter filling the kitchen.
“His father doesn’t know. He told us yesterday his dad would be pissed if he saw him. But being in college, he felt he could try it out. Looks good on him.”
“Now, that’s a change. I can’t wait to see them. It’s been too long. That’s the one thing that sucks with us all being in different states. Come on, we better get back or Heather will be talking poor Sebastian’s ear off.”
“It didn’t look like he minded. Is he a nice guy?” She didn’t want to share him with anyone yet.
“Sure. I wouldn’t have left her alone with him if he wasn’t.” He took her hand. “Why do you ask?” He pulled her away from the counter and started moving toward the back door.
“No specific reason.” She saw him give her that familiar look when he knew she wasn’t telling the entire story. “Okay, someone said something to her that wasn’t very nice. I’m worried she’s getting a bit of a reputation. I don’t want her hurt.”
“Oh, Leo. You really need to pay attention to the world around you instead of just being lost in your own.”
“What are you talking about?” She stopped, hands on her hips.
“Heather has had a reputation for years.”
“She has a reputation as what, Johnny?” Please don’t let him say what Andrew said.
“She’s known as the ‘good time girl’. Guys know if they don’t want anything serious, they can hook up with her for a few months, have fun, and move on. I hate that she has the reputation, but look how she talks and acts.” He studied her reaction. “You honestly didn’t know?”
“Crap. I know she runs her mouth and she’s had a lot of boyfriends, but I didn’t know guys thought that. She’s a nice girl, really.” Her shoulders fell, and she felt an ache in her heart; her best friend had screwed up badly.
“I know she’s a nice girl, but she has a screwed-up reputation. These guys don’t know that. Hopefully, we can keep her from doing it to herself here. Although, this is Heather we’re talking about.” One corner of his mouth curved up as he reached for her hand again.
“I doubt it. She said this is our time to be crazy and live it up. Whatever we do is our, what did she say? Oh, ‘our dirty summer secret’.”
“One day she’ll figure out what she wants and realize what she’s doing.”
“I hope so. It just makes me sad.”
He took her hand and tugged her along. Heather was heading up the path to the house with Alex and Sebastian in tow.
“Hey you two. I invited the guys for dinner. I hope you don’t mind, Leona. Sebastian grabbed your board and stuff, John.”
Johnny couldn’t get over how beautiful and desirable Leo was. Every damn time he was near her, he just wanted to pull her into his arms and kiss her until she didn’t remember her own name. Hell, he’d wanted to do that since he was fifteen. But to her, he was just another friend, one of the pals she hung out with. No matter what he did, she was always there, skirting on the edges of his mind, flowing in and out of his thoughts like the melody of some slow country song. Every time one of the songs she and Alastair covered came on the radio, he could just see those eyes of hers drawing him in.
He was almost done with his internship and hadn’t seen her in a year and a half. He’d thought maybe he could move on if he saw her again and finally take the little redhead, who had been flirting with him shamelessly for months, out on a date. He hadn’t wanted to be with anyone, only Leona, and he didn’t know if that was ever going to happen.
Now, here they were in this romantic location with friends surrounding her like a shield as always. She never let her guard completely down, but she’d finally noticed him. Well, seen the physical him anyway. He’d been working out; honing the body he always had, just defining if a bit more. And the tattoo. He had been thinking of her when he got it. If she really looked at it, she would see most of their lives represented in the damn thing. What was he thinking getting it?
Of course, she was changing the conversation to their friends, putting it back into safe territory in true Leo form. Now that she had invited him to come stay with them after his friends left, he felt a sliver of hope slip into his heart. He’d go along with it for now, but he was going to crack that wall in the next few weeks—or move on. All these years, drooling over her and wanting her, had gotten him nowhere.
She was so innocent; she didn’t even know everyone in their hometown knew Heather’s reputation. But that was Leo; so wrapped up in her own life, she didn’t even realize it.
He wanted to tell her more but Heather, just like clockwork, interrupted him. His eyes narrowed as he watched Leona’s response to Heather’s announcement. Had Leo told her to come after them at a determined time? Knock it off. He scolded himself. Leo wouldn’t have done that. She trusted him, always had.
He watched Heather as she did what she always did when she put her sights on her next victim. He studied Leo’s reaction and saw the way her brows pulled down, and the fake smile plastered on her face. She was upset with Heather but not for inviting them; she knew her friend was on the prowl. Johnny to the rescue. He would have to keep an eye on Heather and Sebastian. When things started heating up too much, he would make sure they left so Leo wasn’t upset, and Heather didn’t make a slut of herself again.
Chapter Four
Alex started a fire after dinner in the fire pit. The girls brought out glasses and a couple bottles of wine. Johnny pulled two chairs closer together.
“Leo, sit by me.” He patted the back of the chair.
Heather, taking a Leona-free moment, snagged a chair next to Sebastian. “Here’s to the next few days getting to know more about each other.” She handed him a glass of wine.
Leona closed her eyes and listened to the sound of the waves crashing onto shore, the music playing softly in the background. I could get used to this. She sighed.
“What are you thinking about?” Johnny’s deep voice rumbled through her, interrupting her thoughts.
She opened her eyes and smiled. “I was just thinking how wonderful this is. I love the sound of the ocean, the smell of the salt in the air, and having good company to share it with. T
his is great. I don’t think I’ve felt this relaxed in a long time.”
Johnny put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer. “Yeah, it doesn’t get much better than this. I’ve missed you.” He kissed the top of her head.
Snuggling closer, she laid her head on his shoulder. “I’ve missed you, too. I’m glad you’re here.” Heat flowed through her, being so close to him.
“I wish you would have been here last night, John. Alastair brought his guitar.” Heather smiled. “He and Leona entertained us for almost an hour. It was just like the old days.”
“You’re still singing? That’s great. I hope he’s bringing his guitar again tomorrow.”
“He is. I already threatened him if he didn’t. It was like they never stopped performing.”
“Thanks, Heather,” Leona mumbled, her face red from all the attention.
“I remember how beautiful you sing. I’ve always said you have a gift.” John tugged her closer.
She sighed, finding herself loving the compliments coming from him.
The conversations flowed, the bottles of wine emptied. Finally, Alex stood. “I’m heading back to the hotel, it’s getting late. Either of you need a lift?”
Sebastian glanced up. “Nope, going to hang out here for a bit. I’ll call a cab later.” He went right back to making out with Heather.
“Leona, you want me to stay or head out with Alex?”
She stood up and stretched. “It’s up to you, Johnny. If you want to stay, we can chat some more.”
He nodded towards Heather and Sebastian. “I think the three of us should go. It’s getting late.” John reached over and smacked Sebastian’s arm. “Let’s go, it’s late and we wanted to catch some waves early tomorrow, remember? Besides, I don’t want to lay out the money for a cab.”
Sebastian came up for air and glanced from John’s face to Leona’s. He glanced at his watch. “I guess it is getting late.” Standing, he took Heather’s hand and pulled her to her feet. “Thanks for the great time. Ya’ll have a great place here.”
Heather stuck her bottom lip out in her most pouty look. “Are you really leaving? It’s not that late.”
“Afraid so. This one said he gets cranky if he doesn’t get his beauty sleep.” He pointed to John. “I’m sure I’ll see more of you before I leave.” He looked slowly down her body before returning his gaze to her eyes.
“Okay.” Heather turned and scowled at Leona as she stomped up the steps and slammed the door behind her, leaving Sebastian standing with a confused look on his face.
Leona didn’t care. She loved Johnny for saving Heather from making a total slut of herself. How could she not have noticed this about her friend before? “Thanks, Johnny. She’s pissed, but she’ll calm down.” She whispered before turning to Sebastian. “Sorry, she gets a little cranky sometimes.”
He shrugged. “No big deal. I’ll catch up with her tomorrow. We really did want to get an early start. See ya’ll tomorrow.” Sebastian and Alex grabbed their boards and took off around the house.
“You sure it’s okay if I crash here? She’s sure to be really ticked off with me since I’m the one who said something to Sebastian.”
“She’ll be fine. We’ll worry about it tomorrow. What time do you think you’ll be here? Just in case she wants to go somewhere,” she added quickly, lowering her eyes.
“The guys want to catch some waves early, so if it’s okay, I’ll just bring my stuff and leave it in Alex’s car. I can bring it in once everyone is up and around.”
“That’s perfect. I’ll tell her later. Hopefully, she’s in her room pouting so I don’t have to listen to her lecture me,” she said with a sigh.
“Why do you let her do that to you? Don’t give me that look. You know it’s true.” Sadness clouded his features again.
“I know. It’s just she’s been my friend for so long, and I don’t think she intends to be mean. It’s just how she is.”
“It’s another one of the reasons she has the reputation she has. Maybe we can do an intervention.” He gazed at her, his eyes roaming over her face.
She threw her head back and laughed. “An intervention? This is Heather we’re talking about. You’ve been away too long, Johnny.” Shaking her head, she continued, “You better get going, Alex looks like he’s getting impatient.” She playfully pushed his shoulder as the headlights flashed on the Jeep. “Go.” Leona stood at the bottom of the steps, watching as he walked out of sight then went into the house.
She didn’t see Heather anywhere. Breathing a sigh of relief, she locked the door, turned out the light, and headed for her room. As she turned into the hallway, something grabbed her. Screaming, she pulled her arm to get away.
“It’s just me.”
“What the hell are you doing, standing in the dark like that? Why’d you grab me?”
“Don’t be so dramatic. I’m pissed off at you guys for making Sebastian leave. He’s hot and really nice. You’re not my mother, you know.”
Leona shook her head. “Remember what you told me earlier about what Andrew said to you?”
Heather’s expression turned blank. “Why, did you say something to John about that? Why would you do that?”
“No, I didn’t say anything to him. Actually, he told me that’s what everyone thinks of you, Heather.”
“What?” Her eyes rounded as her jaw went slack, and tears filled her eyes. “John said people think that about me?”
“Yeah.” Leona couldn’t stand the pain filling her friend’s eyes, right before she dropped her head to look at the floor. She stepped forward and took Heather in her arms. Her heart hurt for her friend and the situation she’d gotten herself into. “His friends don’t know, Heather. I swear.” She pulled her away. “Look at me, please.”
“What?” Heather’s eyes filled with shame. “I’m so stupid. What have I done to myself?”
“He didn’t tell them anything. Johnny said he wanted you to have a clean start here. So, maybe we can keep your past our little summer secret? What do you say?”
Heather glanced at Leona, searching her eyes before giving a tiny little nod.
“Sebastian is really cute, and maybe if you hold back and don’t throw yourself at him, you could actually have a relationship. It doesn’t always have to be about sex.”
She threw her arms around Leona and hugged her so hard, she thought Heather might crush her.
“Not so tight, I can’t breathe.” Leona stepped back. “I swear I could write a song about you.”
“Sorry, Leona. And don’t you dare!” She narrowed her eyes. “Thanks for rescuing me from myself. Maybe I should try to be more like you. Well, I guess I can’t be exactly like you. But I can try being a little more of a prude.”
“A prude? Really?” Leona laughed. “Let’s get showered and get to bed. I invited Johnny to stay with us. He has some more time, and I guess his friends are taking off in a few days.”
Heather’s shoulders drooped. “Sebastian is leaving in a couple of days? Wow, I really would have made an impression, wouldn’t I?” She changed the subject quickly. “So John is moving in here with us? Awesome. So where is he sleeping?”
“Slow down. Yes, Sebastian is leaving in a couple of days. No, you would not have made an impression. You would have been forgotten as a one-night stand. Yes, John is moving in, and he will be sleeping in the loft, thank you very much.”
“Okay. Don’t get your panties in a wad. Come on, let’s get to bed. We have a big day tomorrow.” Heather started down the hall but turned back to Leona before going into her room. “You are going to sing for us again, right? I think John’s friends will be very surprised when they hear that sweet voice of yours.”
“Thanks. I can always count on you to fluff my feathers, can’t I?”
“Yes, you can.” She smiled before continuing, “Thanks again. You really are the best friend anyone could ever have.”
“So are you, when you’re not being a pain in my ass.” Leona giggled
. “I’m going to take my shower now.” As she scooted past her, she smacked Heather’s bum and ran into her room. She showered and climbed into bed, exhausted from the last few days. She couldn’t get the image of Johnny out of her mind or the way she felt when he held her hand or put his arm around her shoulders. She remembered what Alastair had said. Could it be true? As she drifted off, she wondered what it would be like to be loved by Johnny Montgomery.
John sat in the back of the Jeep, going over the evening. Holding Leona close felt so good, and this time, she hadn’t tensed up but leaned in and just melted against him. He wanted to kiss her so badly but settled for the feel of her touch him on his arm. The conversation had been light, and no one seemed to be paying attention to the fact that he was so lost in her. He probably had a goofy look on his face all evening.
The sound of her voice was music that flowed straight to his heart. The way she blushed, when he complimented her about her singing, just about pushed him over the edge. For the first time, he was glad there were people around; otherwise he might not have been able to control himself.
When Alex whipped into the parking place at their hotel, he called out to Sebastian. “Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?”
“Sure. What’s up?”
John waited for Alex to go inside before continuing. “Look. I want to ask you a favor. Those girls are good friends of mine. I know Heather can be a little, shall we say forward. But I would like you to be respectful and take it slow with her.”
Sebastian held up his hands, “Hey, if she’s off limits, just say so. She threw herself at me.”
John sighed and ran his hand down his face. “Yeah, I know she did. It’s her MO. She is a nice girl, she just hasn’t figured out to like herself yet.”
“She seems like a nice girl. I’d definitely like to get to know her better, but I’ll take it slow. No worries.”
“Thanks. I think it will be better for all of us.”
“So, are Leona and Alastair as good as you guys were saying?”
“Yeah, I think she could go far if she’d just attempt it. She’s had some family shit that has held her back.”