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Last One to Know Page 5

  “Been there, done that. Parents can put a guilt trip like no other. Mine were pissed at me when I joined the Army. It is what it is, and I’m glad I did it. If I hadn’t, I would have been stuck.”

  “I wish she’d see that. Wait until you hear them. She has the sweetest voice you’ve ever heard.”

  “I can’t wait. I’m excited about dinner and spending more time with Heather, too.” He ducked when John swung at him. “I’m serious.”

  “You better be.”

  Chapter Five

  Leona woke the next morning to Heather knocking on her bedroom door.

  “Are you up?”

  “I am now. Is something wrong?” She jumped out of bed and rushed to the door, throwing it open to see Heather standing there with two cups of coffee and smiling like she had a huge secret to share.

  “Here, I made coffee. Come on, I’m hungry and I want to go down to the beach and watch the guys surf.”

  “What time is it? I feel like I just went to bed. And why are you up so early?” She shuffled her feet as she followed Heather to the kitchen. “Heather will you stop walking. What are you doing up so early?” She glanced at the clock and saw it was only 6:30 a.m.

  “I told you, I want to go down to the beach and watch the guys surf. Sebastian said they would be here about this time. I didn’t want to show up right away. Don’t you want to watch John surf?”

  She shook her head. “I wanted to get some sleep. Do you realize how late we went to bed?” She yawned and stretched her arms over her head. “You couldn’t have fixed a bowl of cereal?”

  “Oh, come on. I didn’t want to go by myself. How would that have looked? Come on, Leona. Make us some breakfast and get your suit on so we can hit the beach. Please…”

  “Do you remember our conversation from last night? ” Leona put her hands on her hips and attempted a glare at Heather, but she had a feeling it looked more like she was trying to stay awake instead.

  “That I need to take it slow and not throw myself at Sebastian. I heard you. That’s why I waited for you to get up, so we could go down together.”

  “Johnny said they would be surfing for a couple of hours if the waves were holding. So not seeming too eager would be going down later this morning, closer to when they were almost done.”

  “Well, if we wait until they’re done, how will we watch them surf? That doesn’t make any sense to me.” She crossed her arms and looked pointedly at Leona.

  “Okay, Heather, I get your point. I’ll make us some poached eggs and toast, okay? That won’t take long.” She pulled the pan from under the cabinet, put the water in, and turned on the flame. “I’m proud of you. Even though you woke me up, at least you were thinking.”

  “So I did good?” Heather asked warily. “I promise I’ll try to be more like you.”

  “You got this.” She turned and tugged Heather’s ponytail.

  Heather’s smile lit up her face as her eyes sparkled. “You’re right. With you backing me, I can do this.” Tears filled her eyes and spilled down her face. “Now look what you did. My makeup is going to run, and I’m going to be all puffy-eyed.” She turned and ran out of the kitchen.

  Leona smiled and started humming a tune while she worked on breakfast. Maybe Heather finally had a breakthrough. By the time her friend came back, she was plating the breakfast and pouring them each a fresh cup of coffee.

  “Come on, let’s eat. I still need to change before we head down to the beach.”

  “This looks great. Thanks.” Heather sat down and reached across the table to take hold of her hand. “You really are a great friend. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Once breakfast was finished, they gathered the dishes and made quick work of washing, drying, and putting everything away.

  “Okay, let me jump in the shower, throw on a sundress, and I’ll be ready to go.” When she grabbed a sundress out of the closet, she realized it was the one Johnny had told her he liked the best. Smiling, she threw it on before brushing her hair out. She left it down, also knowing that Johnny liked it best that way, and then added a little mascara to her lush lashes and a hint of gloss on her lips. Stepping in front of the mirror, she twirled left and right. Not too bad. She grabbed her beach bag, snagged her flip-flops, and hurried out the door.

  “Let’s get this show on the road.”

  Heather was standing by the back door, grinning like a kid getting ready to walk into a toy store. “I hope they’re surfing still. I got up extra early to make myself look good.” She glanced over her shoulder and her eyes widened. “Wow, you look great.”

  Leona felt heat rise up her face. “Thanks. I just got ready quickly, nothing special.”

  “Yeah but you look like a million bucks. You must have got some sun yesterday because your cheeks are pink. Looks good.” She leaned forward. “Actually you’re just flushed, aren’t you? Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. I rushed through my shower and getting dressed so I’m probably a little overheated is all.” She lowered her eyes, praying Heather would buy the little fib. She knew in her heart that she was excited about seeing Johnny again. It was that thought flushing her skin.

  They walked down the sandy path to the beach, laughing and talking. When they hit the sand, they immediately spotted the three surfers waiting on a set of waves.

  “There they are, Leona.” Heather grabbed her arm and pointed. “They’re all here.”

  “Good, let’s go set our chairs up by their towels. What time are Hope and Alastair coming tonight?” She prayed it wasn’t too early. She wasn’t ready to share Johnny with so many people yet. Once Alastair arrived, the guys would be talking and cutting up.

  “I told them about six. Thought we could eat early and have more time for music around the fire pit tonight.” Heather paused then blurted out, “I wish you would go for it when you finish college.”

  “My parents wouldn’t approve, you know that.” She sighed, knowing it was what she really wanted, but she never put her dreams in front of the reality everyone expected from her. Be the good, devoted daughter, the good niece, and stay out of trouble. It was the never-ending mantra that played over and over in her head.

  “Well, you know what? You have to start doing things for you. You’re an adult now. You have to let go of everyone else’s dreams and follow yours, or you’re never going to be happy. You made me open my eyes last night. Maybe it’s time I make you open yours.” A line appeared between her brows as she scrutinized Leona’s face. “Don’t even think of trying to deny it because you know I’m right.”

  Leona nibbled on her bottom lip and she turned her face away. “I know you’re right. I’ve been living my life in fear, pushing my hopes and dreams aside, so I don’t let my family down. It’s who I am. I don’t know how to be anyone else.”

  “Bullshit! That is such a bunch of crap, Leona. I’m the one who has the screwed-up life. I wish I had a parent that gave a shit about what I did. Hell, my parents must know I’m a slut. Our town isn’t that big and people talk. I knew I was acting like one, but no one else seemed to care. You are the only one who stepped up and said something. So now I’m telling you, stop worrying about everyone else before you lose all your dreams. Please.”

  “Well, how did we both get so smart about each other’s issues?” Leona beamed. “Maybe I do need to start thinking about what I want for a change. Look at Alastair and Hope. They’re so happy, they can’t stop smiling. They both have supportive families, though.” Her smile faltered. “My parents and aunt will be devastated if I change course now. I’m almost done with college.”

  “So you finish school. Who said not to? Why can’t you do it all? If you get discovered and your career takes off, are they going to bitch? If it doesn’t, what did you lose? You’ll still have fun singing locally in town.”

  “The guys are coming in. Look at the size of that wave they caught.” Leona knew Heather was right but wasn’t ready to face that truth yet. She shook her head
and brought her eyes back to the guys.

  The girls stood and watched in awe as the men rode the wave with ease. Leona couldn’t help but admire the way Johnny’s body moved and looked as his muscles tensed and rippled, keeping him balanced on the board. Where did he learn to surf? Growing up in Texas, there were no beaches to surf. She felt that twinge of regret again at another part of his life she knew nothing about.

  The men walked toward them on an adrenaline high from their morning of surfing. Leona loved how wild and untamed Johnny looked at that moment. Happiness radiated on his face as he laughed and joked with the guys. She realized, at that moment, she wanted to know this man—every side of him—more than she had ever wanted anything else. Heather was right about a lot of things. It was time for her to take charge of her life, of her destiny. No one else was going to do it.

  “Howdy ladies.” Sebastian nodded at Leona then turned his attention to Heather. “How are you today?”

  “I’m fine, how are you?” Heather dropped her eyes shyly then turned to Alex. “Hello, Alex. Nice surfing out there.”

  “Thanks. You girls look nice today.” His eyes sparkled, and he puffed out his chest. “Would you like a drink?”

  Johnny put his arm around Leona and kissed her head. “You look beautiful. I love that dress on you,” he whispered.

  Leona felt her pulse quicken. “I know. That’s why I wore it.”

  His eyes flashed with desire and he held her gaze, searching her eyes.

  “John. Hey man, you want a drink?” Alex lightly punched his shoulder, breaking the spell.

  “Sure. Yeah, sorry about that.” His face flushed red as he turned and stuck his board in the sand. He opened the water and downed most of it before he looked back at Leona. “So, am I still invited to dinner tonight?”

  “Of course. Alastair and Hope will be here about six, and we can’t wait for Alex and Sebastian to meet them.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  Sebastian pulled his eyes away from Heather. “Do we need to bring anything?”

  “No, just yourselves. Unless you want to bring beer, all we have is wine.” Heather was blushing.

  Johnny leaned over and whispered in Leona’s ear, “Who is that and what did you do with Heather?”

  She smacked his arm. “Behave, I’ll tell you later.”


  Johnny had watched them walk away. She wore the dress because he liked it. That had to be something, didn’t it? He felt hopeful for the first time that things might change between them. Had she seen the desire flash through his eyes? He thought she had. She hadn’t turned away. Damn, he was getting his hopes up, and it could be for nothing. Now that they were on their way back over to the cottage, he wasn’t sure what to think.

  Why the hell was he feeling so nervous now? He had to get himself together before they pulled in. He prayed Alastair and Hope were already there. If he concentrated on them, maybe he could keep his feelings hidden easier.

  “Hey, don’t drive so fast, Alex. Not like we have to be the first ones there.”

  Sebastian glanced back. “You okay back there? We’re cool, right?”

  “Yeah, we’re fine. Told you that last night. I just don’t like being the first one there.”

  “Since when?” Alex looked in the rearview mirror. “You’re always on me to move it because we’ll be late.”

  “Just slow the hell down and wipe that stupid grin off your face.” His mouth turned up in a crooked smile when he saw Alex roll his eyes. “They’re going to stick like that one day.”

  “Old wives tale, dude. Old wives tale. Sheesh, what are we going to do with him, Sebastian? Looks like he might have the hots for that girl after all.”

  John shot him a look, panic filling his gut. “What the hell are you talking about? How do you go there from me asking you to slow down?”

  “Are you kidding me? Man, it’s written all over your face when you’re with her. You saw it, didn’t you?” He nodded to Sebastian.

  “Alex, quit being an ass and leave the man alone. He doesn’t need your smartass comments tonight. Just chill and be a good guest.”

  “Whatever you say, Mom.” Alex slowed down to the speed limit and laughed. “Man, I’m not gonna rat you out. Chill.”


  John found himself even more nervous as they got closer to the cottage. This summer was all or nothing for him. If she didn’t show her hand, he was closing the door. It made him sick to even think about it.


  Leona rolled her eyes and giggled. “Heather, you’ve changed five times in the last fifteen minutes.”

  “Don’t make fun of me. I’m so nervous.” She tugged at her earlobe. “I don’t want to make a fool of myself tonight.” She took a deep breath in an apparent attempt to calm herself down. “Who knew that not being a slut was so hard?” Her lame attempt at humor didn’t seem to help; if anything, she seemed more nervous.

  “You’ll do fine. Johnny and I will keep an eye on things. If you start to get in over your head, I’ll figure something out.”

  “You promise? I like Sebastian and I don’t want to be that girl anymore.” She hugged herself and gave Leona a shy smile.

  “Damn Heather, it is so weird seeing you like this. Where is that smart-mouthed girl I know and love?”

  “Taking a bit of a break and trying to be a better person.”

  “You can’t do everything at once. I love you and a large part of that is your sassy, asshole comments.”

  Heather huffed, pulled her hair out of the ponytail, and flipped Leona the finger. “Screw you, Leona. You ride my ass for the last two days, and now I’m too nice for you. Fine, I’ll keep my smartass comments to myself if it makes you happy.”

  Leona frowned slightly. “Hey, don’t get mad.”

  Heather covered her mouth with her hand and laughed so hard, she snorted. “I’m not mad, I’m just being me. A better version of me, I hope.”

  “You are so mean! Paybacks are a bitch, remember that.” She leaned back against the counter and crossed her ankles. “There’s an open mic night Saturday at that club we passed in town yesterday. Do you think Alastair would want to do it with me?”

  “I’m sure he would! That would be amazing. Let some of these folks around here see what an amazing voice you have. It’ll be like old times.”

  Headlights shown through the front windows. “Wonder who it is?” Heather ran to the door calling over her shoulder. “I bet its Hope and Alastair. He always likes to be early.”

  “Probably. I’ll open the wine.” She leaned down to check the cookies she was baking then lifted the lid off the red sauce full of baby vegetables and mushrooms, and gave it a stir. She grabbed the bottle of Falanghina wine. “I hope your mom was right about this wine, Heather. I’ve never heard of it.”

  “She really likes it. They get it all the time when they’re in Italy.” She threw open the door as Hope came bounding up the steps.

  “Something smells amazing. What are you making?” She grabbed a hug from Heather as she hurried into the kitchen to peek in the pot. “Oh, it looks as wonderful as it smells.”

  “It’s a new recipe I found a few months ago and wanted to try tonight. I hope everyone likes it.” Leona hugged her tight. “I’m so glad y’all are here. Did Heather tell you Johnny is here?”

  “She texted me. Guess he’s coming over with a couple of his friends.” She waved the air over the sauce, breathing in deeply again.

  “He’s going to stay with us because the guys are supposed to take off in a couple of days.”

  Hope raised her brows. “He’s staying here? That’s great, Leona.”

  “Yeah,” Leona said with a hint of a smile on her face.

  “I want the first plate of this amazing food.” She pulled Leona into a hug. “I’m so glad you can cook.”

  “Me too. I hope everyone likes it. I don’t know what I was thinking, making something new for a bunch of people. What if no one likes it?” Her n
ose crinkled. “What was I thinking?”

  “We’re all going to love it, stop worrying. You cook almost as well as you sing.” She grabbed a spoon from the drawer and took a small taste. Her eyes fluttered shut as if trying to savor the flavor. “Mmm. It tastes even more amazing than it smells.”

  Leona let out the breath she didn’t even realize she was holding. “That’s a relief. Remind me not to do that again.” She turned and pulled the tray of cookies from the oven, turned the burner on under the water for the noodles, and stirred the sauce again.

  “You are the perfect chef. Hell, you’re damn near perfect with everything you do.” Heather winked as she strolled into the kitchen on Alastair’s arm. “Don’t you agree?” She fluttered her eyes at him.

  “Yep, sure do. Next to Hope, she’s about as perfect as they come.”

  “John and his friends are coming for dinner tonight. I can’t wait to see him again. Wait until he sees you.” Hope giggled. “First thing out of his mouth is going to be about your hair.”

  “Probably. I told him Alastair has dreads. You should have seen his face. First thing he said was, ‘what did his dad say?’” Leona laughed.

  Alastair’s eyes twinkled. “Yeah, John is going to shit when he sees me.”

  Headlights lit up the living room as a vehicle pulled in the drive. “That’s probably them now.” Heather stood stock-still as if she was rooted in place.

  “Well, aren’t you going to get the door? I’ll get the noodles started,” Leona whispered, giving her a little nudge.

  “Oh, sure.” Heather moved to the front door to greet the boys.

  Hope looked at Leona, her brows furrowed. “What’s with her? Is she all right?” she whispered.

  Alastair’s head was cocked, and he appeared to be studying Heather.

  “She likes Johnny’s friend Sebastian and is trying to be more refined with her behavior,” Leona whispered back. “She wants to turn over a new leaf.”

  “That’s wonderful. It’s about time she did. What made her do this?”